Monday 18 May 2020

Maths words

Arc = Part of the circumference of a circle.Or part of any curve.

Brackets = Symbols used in pairs to group things together.

Compass points = The directions on the magnetic compass.The 4 main points are North, South, East and West

Digit = A single symbol used to make a numeral.

Edge = For a polyhedron: A line segment where two faces meet



Foot = A unit of length (or distance) in US units equal to 12 inches.

Feet to Centimeters Conversion (ft to cm) - Inch Calculator

Giga- = A prefix meaning one billion

Hour hand = The small hand on a clock that shows the hours.

Hour Hand

Monday 11 May 2020

6th Standard

VI Standard - Mathematics

Dear Kids,

There are many ways by which we all learn a subject. In this page, I will give you all the important words which you are supposed to know to understand the subject clearly. Focus on the list of below mentioned words to understand the concepts in maths. 

The following words are given in CBSE Maths book.

Lesson-2 - Whole Numbers

Commutative property of Addition
Commutative property of Multiplication
Associtive Property of Addition
Associtive Property of Multiplication
Number Lines
Properties of whole number
Distributive property of Addition
Distributive  property of Multiplication
Distributive  property of Multiplication over Addition
Combination of associative property
Combination of commutative property
Identity for addition 
Identity for multiplication
Identity for whole numbersf
Commutative under addition
Commutative under multiplication
Additive identity
Additive identity for whole numbers    
Commutative property for whole numbers
Distributive property for whole numbers
Assosiative property for whole numbers
Properties for numbers

Lesson-3 - Whole numbers

Factor of whole number
Prime numbers
Common factors
Co- prime numbers
Factor tree
Prime Factorization
Common multiple 
Co- prime
Least common multiple(LCM)
Highest common factor(HCF)
Common factors

lesson-4 - Basic geometrical ideas

Basic geometric
Line segment 
Parallel lines
Intersecting lines
Model of pair
Adjacent edges
Line containing point
Simple cure
Open curve
Closed curve
Position in a figure
Boundry in the compound
Adjacent vertices
Vertex of an angle
Intial point 
Common initial point
 Adjacent angle
Interior of a circle
Parts of a circle
Exterior of a circle
Part of a radii
Diameter of a circle
Part of boundry
Segment of circle
End points of diameter

Ln-5 - Understanding Elementary Shapes

Measuring line segment
Elementary shapes
Adjoining segment
Unique number
Compare line segment\
Comparision using ruler
Comparision using divider
Comparision by tracing
Positioning error
Comparing line segment
Length of a line segment
Measuring the length
Half of the diameter
Points of a diameter
Straight angle

Ratio and Proportion 

What are the Different Types of Ratios?

Saturday 9 May 2020

Students with Extraordinary Skills

Niraalamba Poorna Chakrasana or the Back Plank Recline Cruncher

The aasana, which requires one to recline backwards and touch one's head to one's heel, is considered one of the more difficult aasanas in Yoga

On Jan 20, 2020; Riya (daughter of Ms. Hema & Mr. Naveen Palariya) has performed Niralamba purna chakrasana yoga (Back plank recline cruncher) for Twenty (20) time in one minute.

On Jun 11, 2017; Kushi (daughter of Mr. Hemachandra S. and Ms. Kumuda H.) performed Fourteen (14) back plank recline crunchers in one minute.

video link